Who are we?

The vars marketplace

Plan your stay in Vars in just a few clicks! The Vars marketplace, created by the various players in the resort, is designed to make it easier for you to book your holiday and to give you access to the various options available to you.

The mountains in just a few clicks

Planning your holiday can be tedious, so we wanted to help you do it more efficiently by offering you a simplified and intuitive interface, without the need to navigate between several sites or contacts. Our marketplace has all the information you need for your stay,whether you're looking for local accommodation, summer or winter activities, practical information about the resort and ski area, or the various services available . Aswell as centralising all this information, our platform gives you the chance to book their services instantly online, simplifying the whole process .

A local, collaborative marketplace

The various players in the Vars resort have joined forces to offer you an improved platform, giving you access to everything you need to organise your stay in Vars. Thanks to our expertise and knowledge of the area, and above all our pleasure in helping you discover all that our beautiful resort has to offer, planning your holiday has never been easier!